Working wasn't terrible, though we all have different random shifts, covering jobs for two key people who are out all week sick. I asked my roommates why at the beginning of the week someone would know that they're going to be sick the entire week, but they said it's what the French doctor's seem to do; they write you a "sick note" for a week. And with the hotel completely full, this makes for a big task.
So today I ran around cleaning bathroom after bathroom (after about 40 you start to expect the little hairs and toilet troubles in each one), and then after the other girl made the beds, I also dusted and mopped the rooms. After we finished the all the rooms, I got to help clean up the restaurant post-lunch. Finally at 5 I had washed my last espresso cup and was ready to go out with the girls. You'd think after all the walking and bending over all day I would want to sit down and rest, but I've found it's sometimes not a good idea to do this. You become immediately fatigued, and don't accomplish very much for the rest of the day. And if others are going out, even if it's just to get some fresh air like today, then why not? And we ended up hiking around for about and hour and a half. It was good. And tomorrow, although it will be another full day, I don't have to start until 3pm! (and then work till 11 when the hotel closes)-yay:) I might not even set an alarm...do I dare?
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