I took a shower (a good start), put on some clothes and got Lori's hair-dryer (I didn't bring one-besides the fact that it would waste space in the one suitcase I brought, I didn't want to have to use a converter everytime). I had barely plugged it in, not even half way, when I heard a big 'pop' and simultaneously saw a big ball of fire and felt a little shock (it was really nothing after playing Kyle's 'Shock Reaction' game); all the lights left the room; poor Darina was stuck standing with only a towel on.
I was a little 'schocked' and surprised by the event, but was fine. I went to the receptionist to let her know what had just occurred-that's when I noticed my entire left hand was black!
She told me she would call the maintenance guy who also lives here in the hotel. Then she began to get many phone calls and apparently I had taken out the power for the entire hotel...oops! So she had to make a few more phone calls-the manager arrived shortly and asked, "What did you do?" -as if I really had control over the situation.
Lori was the only one working and when she heard about the incident she came to the room. I told her I was sorry, and although unavoidable, I would buy her a new 'secher.' She told me it was no big deal and she knew it was bound to happen sometime. Want to know why? Because her dog had chewed open the cord when she went home to visit and she repaired it with Scotch tape!
Something good comes of every situation though, right? While in the dark I thought to open my laptop, thinking the screen would provide some light and some music wouldn't hurt either. Sitting on a chair in the middle of the room, the laptop connected me to Skype, AIM and my email service! Ever since the mini-explosion, I've been able to get wireless internet everyday without being forced into the isolated corner of the room by the door:) I sat on the chair in the dark (eating conversation hearts my mom had sent), giving Kyle the minute by minute breaking news.
So my Friday night was filled with excitement even before I went out:) Not to mention that it had already been a good day. The maid who is normally in a bad way with everyone (who usually asks me if I have to break to eat lunch) seemed nice today-I might have even seen a smile. We finished the rooms really quickly, so I went in to help the other girls finish up after lunch in the kitchen (Friday afternoons are busy busy). Apparently we broke 100 for lunch again, so the boss called us in for a champagne toast-yippee! The sun was out and shining bright; we finished cleaning with the doors open. Then, when I went to my room I had a letter AND two packages! Whoa! It was a good times kinda day.
Wow--No one can tell a story like you. Even though I enjoyed hearing about it while you were in the dark it was good to see it in print. You must get a job using this talent.
Love MeMaw
Memaw and I seem to be on the same page about many things, and I agree--you should have your memoirs of this trip published! You remind me so much of myself at times when you accidentally blow up a hairdryer, ya know?! I hope your hand has returned to its normal pigment!
Well cousin there is one more thing I wanted you to know, and that is that when you return I may just be a few pounds heavier and a bit poochy around the tummy area, as Jason and I saw the little tiny blinking heart of our bebe today! We are very excited, and hope you are around in October to welcome the little worm, as I call it now. Love you muchly, Sarah
We enjoy reading about yor adventures-wish we were there.Uncle Mike and I are moving to a new house in Douglasviile, so when you come home, you can visit us at both houses!
Aunt Pat (your favorite)
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