My day of working went well, just a little boring when you're all alone. While I was cleaning the rooms, I turned the tv's on because the silence was bothersome and I had heard myself sing enough. After I finished, Lori and I ate chicken and pasta, yum. Then, we randomly decided to get out and see a movie. And to make life a little more enjoyable, I got to watch it in English with French subtitles. This way I understand the movie, and learn French at the same time.
On the way home, it was quite chilly, so we kept a brisk walk. Along the way we passed a set of boxes, and out of the corner of my eye swept an image of books, but it wasn't until 6 or 7 steps later that I stopped and said, "Did you see that?" Lori replied, "Yeah, let's check it out!"
On this dark night, a litle excitement kept the cold away for 10 minutes as we looked through a box of French children's books; a treasure chest of souvenirs for the foreigners.
Little did I know Lori shared my passion for clearances, yard sales and most evidently here, freebies. She purged down to the bottom of the box and found three different sacs. "Here, you can put your books in this one," she said. No, we weren't stealing, if that's what you're thinking. But yes, we were going through someone's trash. And when I looked up and saw a sign behind the trees of the dumpster area, I discovered the 'someone' was a 7th day adventist sign. "Great," Lori said sarcastically, "Now we're taking from a church."
I didn't feel that terrible about it. Normally a church or other organization would give something like this away to the poor. Since we only make 50 euros a week, I decided that meant we were poor enough to take a few things.
As I filled a shoulder sac with books (who's ready to learn their French animals when I return?), Lori began opening the black trash bags, finding out they weren't filled with trash at all, but other little goodies. It was at this point we decided to get a sac to fill with some gifts for Aisha and Darina-didn't want to leave them out. We gathered a toy gun, a Lion King toy, Harry Potter playing cards, and even Scrabble Junior!
We were only a little embarassed as cars drove by, and we walked the rest of the way to the hotel with hands full. Christmas came just a little bit early this year.
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