Sunday, March 19, 2006

yay:) some picture proof that ma mere and ma soeur are here with me:) Posted by Picasa


Tony said...

How absolutely INCREDIBLE! This picture is worth at least 1000 words. thank you. At the risk of never sounding satisfied, if a snapshot of all three of 'my girls' show up that would be very cool. this is such a present to start the week. Know I'm praying for you all. Hope church was fun today, probably like listening to people speak in tongues right?

Love you all - and Kaite, Aiysah, Lorie, and Darina too.

Anonymous said...

I know all you girls are having a great time. Wish I could be there to see all of you. Kay how about bringing them all home with you uncluding room mates. We would try to show them a good time.
Love to all!!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on a safe trip! Enjoy your time together, it looks like you're having a wonderful time. What a great spring break trip!! I'm looking forward to pictures and stories. Talk to y"'ll soon.

Miss Julie