Sunday, April 02, 2006

The reflection of the church I wanted to visit today. I already said my good-bye's to my church here in St. Gely du Fesc, so I thought I would try this church by the train station in Montpellier. Funny thing is that I passed it before on my church search, but at the time I didn't know the word for church service in French. I knew I had heard the word 'service' used in French, same spelling, different accent. However, I didn't know the word particular for a church service is "culte." yeah, you tell me what i thought that was! oops:) However when I arrived at 10:15 for the 10:30 service the big iron gates were still closed. I walked all around the church really wanting to see the inside and have church there. Although, the only thing that came out of that was this photo. I waited in the park across the street, not wanting to look like a puppy with my hands perched up on the top of the gate to the church. But nothing happened.... Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Sarah&Jason said...

Erin I am so happy to be able to view this website again...for about 3-4 days all it would do is go to the website and not load anything--no pics, no words, just a blank white square. I am off for a good day's sleep, but I just wanted to let you know I am back with you on the blogspot, and happy to hear of your wonderful Sunday afternoon (and ok jealous of it too). Love you!