Sunday, July 23, 2006

The Secret Symbol

It's been called "the best witness tool on the road," but could it be more of a hinderance than a help?

The simple fish outline has a great deal of meaning behind it
for a Christian. The earliest of Jesus' followers were persecuted and had to worship in hidden places. In order to find other Christians, the symbol for a fish was etched into the dirt. Meetings were mobile and could not be held in the same place. In advance of a gathering, fish were scraped on rocks and walls to secretively help direct believers to the meetings. (Maybe this should be part of the game Underground Church so that it is more historically accurate!) The fish was chosen not only because Jesus referenced them in his preachings, but also because it was a very common food and it would not attract the wrong attention.

From first century ground, the fish migrated to 20th century cars. Car fish began appearing in the 80s as a form of expression. These sticky plaques profess one's faith while driving. It could be said, "Imagine how many people will see the sign of the fish and your faith without you having to say a word." These emblems are advertised as huge witnessing tools.

As car fish became more and more popular, some people not believing in Creationism felt persecuted for their beliefs, which were harmonious with Darwin. Born from the same reason as early Christians, the Darwin fish was created by adding feet onto the ichthys symbol to represent evolution. Some Christians see this as a symbol of hatred toward Christianity, but with all respect, couldn't Darwinists use the vice versa here?

This brings me to draw an idea that if Christians had not started a mass production car fish industry, Darwinists would have had nothing for which to retaliate. According to the New York Times, the footed fish now reproduces to 75,000 new fish every year, almost a half million dollar retail industry.

That point is just something I threw up in the air and took a stab at shooting down. My main point stands at this: I will not put a fish on the back of my car. The reason for this is the same reason most people apply the adhesive; because a lot of people are going to see it.

I think I'm a pretty good driver, but like anyone else, I'm not perfect. If I accidently cut someone off one day, my bumper will be the closest part of my car to them. And if I have a Jesus fish on my bumpber, I've just negatively witnessed to however many people are in that car and whoever they decide to tell the story to upon reaching their destination. In other cases, it's not even your fault--someone else could be not paying attention, but they are obviously crazy and will still blame the (insert expletive) Christians.

My biggest problem with this is because you will offend people and make mistakes, but with a fish on your bumper you do it in Jesus' name and don't get the chance to defend your faith-or apologize or your mistake. Say I slam on my brakes, causing the car behind me to do the same, can't you see me getting out to knock on the other guy's window to say 'I'm sorry?'
If you do have a little fish stagnantly swimming on the back of your car, maybe you write yourself a note to put by your wheel as a reminder that your driving is a witness. Kind of like the 'how's my driving' 1-800 ads on big trucks.

As a disclaimer, I'm not bringing tattoos into this issue. I know a good many people with Christian tattoos. Though you obviously have to watch how you act with a cross, fish or praying hands on your person, I think you would be able to converse more easily with those who might criticize you. It's much better to know someone personally, know they are a Christian, see them make a mistake and ask them about it, than to hit and run with a car fish.

Please feel free to comment/discuss-this is an open blog:) I'm not the ruler of the world and our thoughts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great site lots of usefull infomation here.