Monday, December 07, 2009

seventh floor, please

Bryan is one day into a full week of finals. Two finals down, three more and a paper to go!
{insert your own prayer here}
Last week, I introduced him to my floor of the library at JSU--the seventh floor (a library organized by subject, it's the "literature" floor). As mentioned before, I simply love this 12-story building and most of the aspects it includes. Even now as I sit completing research on some articles while Bryan studies, I'm enjoying the multi-colored bindings full of possibilities surrounding me, the smell of all these pages in one place and I even have a small crush on the sixties, boxy office-looking furniture.
Although I already have a growing list of books I would like to read, I can't help but to walk around and be enticed by what worlds might be within the words inside each cover.

*update on the bird brain: putting up the birds and The Birds proved more interesting to human house guests than the cardinal. the paper was supposed to deter his vision of his own reflection and the black birds were supposed to scare him, although i now believe this only angered him. an entire afternoon went by peacefully and then, peck, peck, peck. this time, he was fogging up the window with a small circle with each peck...time for another variable in this experiment before the control kills himself.

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