Wednesday, March 29, 2006

I asked Jaqueline if I could see her before work one day this week because I won't see her again before I leave here. So this morning she picked me up at 9am to go shopping in the city. She took me around to shops and pointed out to me the shoes and colors that are "mode" and in style this season. We didn't spend any money, we just had fun hanging out and looking at everything. When we first got the city she asked me what I ate for breakfast, and not being an early riser, I couldn't lie, so I said nothing. She walked about five steps to the next patisserie and bought me this pastry with apples inside. She's funny because she'll see a piece of clothing that sleeves and fitted and say, "ooh-that's very pretty-but for the young like you, not for me and this part under my arms!" After shopping she took me to her house and made me lunch. (This is a photo of her dancing while making lunch-isn't she cute? She told me she loves to salsa and mambo and that she has a radio in the kitchen, her bedroom and her bathroom. I didn't believe her at first, but she's 72!) For lunch...oh boy...she prepared confit de canard (yep, mommie, you missed the duck) with salad (she made the dressing too), sliced tomatoes, and baguette with foie gras. But even before this I had a Corsican apertif, nuts and apples.  Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Erin,
What a wonderful lady! No wonder you like her so much. She makes me ashamed she looks so young. You are right God surely sent her to you. Are you going to get to leave early from France? Hope it works out for you.Love you lots!!MeMaw