Today was an interesting slice of life. I enjoy my marketing job with the St. Pete Times, though I still despise the 5:30 am alarm clock. Once I finally get going and see some sunlight it's not terrible, and the people I work with are fun. The people I give papers to are interesting. In the wee hours I see bums first. The guys of the group think it's cool that I can work the downtown area without complaining about the smell or shock of the shelterless. I just say I've had experience with that already. I don't necessarily call these guys homeless; they definitely live, eat and sleep in one small park downtown. I'm getting to know them and their system. The largest of them seems to have been appointed to the watch dog position--he sits in front of a large and growing pile of stuff in trade for food while others can walk around. Another man calls me Pretty Eyes and takes a paper from us everytime we pass. He does glance through the first one, but when i joked with him about taking so many throughout the day he said, "I'm just tryin' to help you out honey. I know you git to go home when yur papers is done." I classify this as a sign of intelligence. Another guy who looks through the paper everyday also sports a TBT (Tampa Bay Times) hat; he's a loyal fan. For the most part, if you don't mind a stagnant odor every so often, they're not the worst crowd.
Today I didn't see my downtown regulars, though. I started my morning at the courthouse. Even though there are many people wearing suits and ties while walking in, you can easily tell the difference between the attorneys and those on trial. The businessmen have an easy stride, they know they are coming back out of those doors at the end of the day to go home. Others aren't so fortunate. (Plus many come with head hung low, walking behind their Momma-I'm pretty sure they're not near as scared of the Pinellas County judge as the stearn-faced woman pacing out their steps.)
I also had a little competition at the court house today. A man came and stood within feet of me (this is where the incoming traffic of people approached) and began yelling and protesting courts, telling people they should be ashamed of themselves. Apparently he's a regular there and a little off his rocker. Someone told me this, although I had a pretty sure guess before this.
Every day is new for me. I get to meet many different breeds every morning and afternoon. Then done at one is the name of the game.
And in reference to the graphic (which I don't claim as my own for anyone looking to sue) and the headline conjunction with the subject....Warped Tour is tomorrow in St. Pete! I'm working as well, so I'm going to be drinking an obscene amount of water tomorrow.
The day after tomorrow is Saturday-The day Exodus (Bryan's band) has their next competition. This one is a biggee-the statewide. If chosen, they'll move on to a regional in Atlanta next month. They've come a long way thus far and get to play in a huge venue Saturday-so either way we just pray for God to reveal the path He has already created to these band members and for them to do the best they can. Join the prayer team-I'm starting the twilight bark (ok, maybe it's not that serious, but I just wanted to use this to reference how I'm sharing the news with those across town and in other cities and countries).
Night everyone-
good weekend pics soon to arrive!
much love,
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